Start your career in law enforcement. Review the requirements and application process for becoming a police officer with the Natchitoches Police Department.
Are you already a P.O.S.T. Certified Officer? Learn more on the requirements and process to join the Natchitoches Police Department.
There are plenty of opportunities to work for the Natchitoches Police Department, including positions in communications and records.
Police Officer Salary
The salary for recruit candidates starts at $34,900 during the Academy and increases to $40,900 (includes state supplemental pay) after Academy graduation. College graduates with qualified degrees can earn up to an additional $2,600/yr for an associate degree, $5,200/yr for bachelor’s degree and $7,800/yr for master’s degree. Applicants hired with a P.O.S.T. certificate will receive $40,900 (includes state supplemental pay) per year starting salary.
Other pay incentives include:
- Special duty pay (training opportunities)
- Paid overtime
- 100% coverage of employee health insurance and retirement contributions provided

Police Officer Career Opportunities
Continuing its commitment of excellence to our citizens and officers, the Natchitoches Police Department offers a variety of opportunities for police officers.
We encourage our officers to pursue a career path that best utilizes their talents in the following units:
- Patrol Division
- Criminal Investigations
- Public Information
- Training Division and Academy
- Field Training Officer (F.T.O.)
- Special Weapons and Tactics (S.W.A.T.)
- Community Policing
- Recruiting
- Motorcycle Division
- DWI Task Force
- Internal Affairs
- Crime Scene Investigation
- Narcotics
- Property Control & Evidence
- Occupant Protection
- Honor Guard
- Warrant Officer
- Hostage Negotiations
Employee Benefits
The Natchitoches Police Department offers paid vacation.
Police Officers with the Alexandria Police Department belong to the Municipal Police Employees Retirement System (MPERS). 100% coverage of retirement contribution provided. The current retirement plan is:
- 3 year or 36 month average final compensation
- 25 years of service at any age – Regular Retirement
- 12 years of service at age 55 – Regular Retirement
- 20 years of service at any age reduced from 55 – Early Retirement
- 30 years of service shall equal 90% of 36month average final compensation
- DROP/IBO must be eligible for regular retirement only to participate
View more information on MPERS.
The City of Natchitoches recognizes 11 holidays per year. These holidays are listed below:
- New Year’s Day
- Martin Luther King Day
- Good Friday
- Memorial Day
- Juneteenth
- Independence Day
- Labor Day
- Veterans Day
- Thanksgiving Day
- Day after Thanksgiving
- Christmas Eve
- Christmas Day
- New Year’s Eve
Any new holidays proclaimed by the City Council
Health Insurance
The Natchitoches Police Department offers health insurance through IMA.
Life Insurance
The Natchitoches Police Department offers life insurance.
Employee Assistance Program
We offer a voluntary, work-based program that offers free and confidential assessments, short-term counseling, referrals, and follow-up services to employees who have personal and/or work-related issues.
College Tuition Assistance Program
The City of Natchitoches recognizes the importance of education and offers an excellent tuition reimbursement program to its officers.
Sick Leave
Each employee is entitled to sick leave with full pay for any illness or injury, not brought about by his own negligence or culpable indiscretion, which prevents his attendance at duty for a period of 52 weeks.
Deferred Compensation
The City of Natchitoches offers an employee the opportunity to become a member of 457 deferred compensation plan program. This is a pre-tax dollar plan that is designed to supplement retirement income
The Natchitoches Police Department provides all duty gear.